Reeds Bay development - Access to owners

4 November 2022 - (0:00)

Dear owner,

We wanted to write to you with a Reeds Bay site update. Four lodges will be arriving before Christmas and the final three arriving in Spring 2023; and the Boat House ‘Lakeside’ apartment will welcome its first guests in October. As you may be aware, whilst construction work took place on the Boat House, access to site was restricted for Health and Safety reasons. I am pleased to confirm that access to walk around the lake will resume exclusively to privately owned holiday owners and those hiring the apartment at The Boat House (rather than as previously proposed which had included Health Club members and Holiday guests).

Owners can access the development on foot by a stile from the nature trail at Larks Rise and a second located near to lodge 12. There will not be a pedestrian access gate at the entrance to site. We do ask that dogs are kept on a lead, and that the development and owners privacy is respected. Access to the site with remain under review.

We have taken the decision not to have Boating Facility at Reeds Bay primarily because we have serious concerns around the negative impact on our Reeds Bay holiday home owners; we would have had large numbers of visitors wanting to use the lake along with their family & friends wanting to watch, daily significant number of cars coming and going especially near lodge,7,8 and 16. It would not be possible to control access and offer a reasonable amount of privacy and Security. We have also implemented fencing and gates so we can reasonably control footfall around the lake so that the holiday home owners have a high level of security and peacefulness and this will be constantly monitored which we will now be able to do. The lake can be used by Reeds Bay holiday home owners of course and we will have some organised lake activities during the year but these will be staffed and controlled with safety being of paramount importance.

I hope this helps to explain our decision rationale in this instance, as we do generally do our best to consider all aspects when making business decisions. Finishing off work is still on-going, each day we are ticking off the outstanding jobs within the development.